How to Have An Eco-Friendly Holiday

December is known as the most wonderful time of the year, and if you put a little thought into it, it can also be the greenest. However you celebrate, you can do your part to deck the halls with boughs of holly, recycled materials, and more. We’ve gathered our favorite tips to ensure your festivities are memorable, enjoyable, and sustainable.


 1. Buy a real tree (and recycle it when you’re done!)

Purchasing a live tree is more sustainable than you might think. First, you’re supporting the local economy, which can’t be said for most artificial versions. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, nearly 350 million Christmas trees currently grow on U.S. farms, absorbing carbon dioxide, emitting fresh oxygen, stabilizing soil, protecting water supplies, and providing refuge for wildlife. In addition, for each tree harvested, farmers plant one to three seedlings in its place. This makes them a renewable resource! When the new year rolls around, you can also give your live tree a second life. In Georgia, our Bring One for the Chipper ‘treecycling’ program transforms discarded trees into mulch used for community beautification projects and wildlife habitats. Check out our event page to find a drop-off location near you.

2. Shop local

Shop at local businesses in your area. You’ll not only be more likely to find unique gifts, but you’ll feel better about your environmental footprint and support your local economy. If you do end up purchasing items online, do your best to find retailers that practice sustainable shipping methods.

3. Make your own wrapping paper

Did you know that during the holidays, enough wrapping paper gets thrown away to circle the earth nine times? That’s a pretty huge impact for something that doesn’t last very long. Get creative and create your own look with old maps, comics, fabric scraps, or even an old scarf or bandana. You’ll look thoughtful and save the world at the same time.

4. Send cards differently

Be honest…do you really save the piles of greetings you receive in the mail each December? Send an email greeting instead, or at the very least, use recycled materials. You can even find cards fashioned from seed paper these days. Yes, you heard us right…that means that after your friends and family read your note, they can plant it in the ground and grow a flower. How cool is that?

5. Last but not least, donate

It happens to the best of us. If you receive something you don’t particularly love, don’t just chuck it into the trash. Swap with a friend of family member, or donate it to charity. You may even decide to upcycle it into something entirely new! Whichever method you choose, Mother Earth (and Santa) will thank you.


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