How to Have a Green Thanksgiving

It's a wonderful time of year to reunite with loved ones and share your gratitude. You’re also in luck if you’re a fan of pie. Just remember to show your appreciation for the environment while you’re at it. Follow our advice to have your most eco-friendly holiday yet.


1. Shop local

Can you purchase your vegetables from the farmer’s market? What about getting them dropped off right on your doorstep? Many delivery services offer much more than produce (think meats, cheeses, and scrumptious desserts). If you’re in the metro area, check out this awesome guide.

2. Rethink your main dish

If you’ve planned to roast a bird, we encourage you to skip the supermarket and follow our first tip. Buy from a local farm! This way, you’ll make an ethical purchase and support the local economy. You can also take a totally different route and go meatless. We love these vegan ideas from our friends at Green Matters.

3. Use the good dishes

If you’re hosting dinner, get out the fancy plates and glasses. Yes, you’ll have more to wash, but isn’t that what friends and family are for? Not to mention modern appliances? Taking an extra ten or twenty minutes to clean up feels so much better than tossing disposable products in the trash. Imagine how many bins will fill up just on your block, not to mention in your city or around the country. Every little bit counts, and you can easily make a difference.

4. Pack your Tupperware

Perhaps you’ll be attending a meal at your aunt and uncle’s house, or joining a group of friends. Arrive with more than just a dessert or side dish in your hands. Bring reusable containers for leftovers as well.

5. Compost your kitchen scraps

Don’t throw those sweet potato peels in the garbage! Did you know that 24% of landfill waste in the United States comes from food? By utilizing a compost pile or pickup service instead, you’ll not only save valuable space and resources, you’ll reduce harmful methane emissions caused by the rotting process.

6. Get creative with leftovers

We get it. Nobody wants to eat the same meal three days in a row. If your fridge usually piles up with containers of stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, and more, plan ahead with fun recipes that will reuse them in a new way. Have you ever tried a cranberry hand pie, or sweet potato hummus? We haven’t, but we sure will now.

7. Take small portions

We’ve all been guilty of putting too much (literally) on our plates. There’s nothing wrong with a hearty sense of enthusiasm, but try to proactively reduce your waste by taking small spoonfuls at first. You can always go back for seconds! Mother Earth will thank you.

8. Use nature to decorate

What’s more festive than a vase of autumn leaves, or a bowl filled with aromatic pine cones? You’ll never go back to store-bought decor after you’ve tried these sustainable options. All you have to do is step outside and follow your inspiration.


How to Have An Eco-Friendly Holiday


Q&A with Schelly Marlatt, Executive Director of Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful