22 Resolutions for a Green New Year

There’s no better time than the present to think about ways you can have a positive impact on the planet. Anyone can make a world of difference by implementing just a few small changes. Pick and choose from our list of ideas to have your most eco-friendly year ever.


1. Clean your block! Grab a trash bag or two and get serious, or pick up items when you see them as you go about your day. You can also sign our pledge against litter to join a statewide community dedicated to the cause.

2. Stop junk mail from being delivered to you. Americans send 5.6 million tons of it to landfills each year, but opting out is easier than you think. We love this list of concrete steps.

3. Speaking of wasted paper, tell your cashiers you don’t need a receipt when you check out at the store.

4. Sign up for electronic billing. Who needs monthly statements when you can save a tree and check your balance online?

5. Get digital copies of your favorite newspapers and magazines, or head to the library to try something new.

6. Shop your own closet before heading to the store. You may find something you forgot you had, or discover a fresh way to pair your favorite items.

7. When you do buy new, try to invest in well-made, classic items that will last for years. Cheap clothes so often end up in our landfills.

8. Learn how to mend your clothes. A little sewing can go a long way, and if anything you own has become too worn, you can always transform it into something else. (Think rags, sock puppets, or even headbands made from strips of good fabric.)

9. Try repairing other household items before tossing them aside. If you need to, you can always call an expert.

10. Join the tote bag revolution if you haven’t already. This method of waste reduction is much more effective when you keep spare ones on hand, so stash them near your door, in your car, or wherever you’ll remember them most.

11. Look around your kitchen and see where you can transition away from single-use items. Can you swap out your plastic wrap for beeswax cloth, or invest in reusable sandwich bags? What about steel water bottles, travel mugs, or cloth napkins?

12. Support local farms by incorporating seasonal produce into your home menu.

13. Make a (grocery) list and check it twice. Planning your meals and snacks beforehand means you’ll throw less food into the trash later.

14. Learn to pickle, can, or freeze your fruits and vegetables.

15. Start a compost pile, or find out where you can compost in your community. Our previous post contains more details to get you started.

16. Recycle right! If you have access to a curbside collection service, be sure to follow city or county guidelines for acceptable materials. You can also check out what your local government, stores, and organizations offer in terms of drop-off options. Places like Kroger, Target, Publix, and more collect plastic bags and film, and many areas host events for nontraditional materials like paint or electronics.

17. Get your craft on and start an upcycling project. We adore these ideas from Popsugar.

18.  Plant pollinator-friendly flowers in your garden or on your balcony.

19.  While you’re at it, grow your own herbs and vegetables.

20. Provide safe havens for local wildlife. In the colder months, it can be as easy as hanging up your rake so moths and other beneficial insects can overwinter in fallen leaves. We’re also big proponents of bird houses and bee hotels. You can purchase them or make your own from scrap wood, metal, and other leftover materials!

21. Volunteer for a beautification project in your community. We can help you find a local affiliate near you.

22. Last but not least, spread the word. Share these tips with your friends and neighbors—everything’s more fun when you do it with some one you love!


Q&A with Hannah Bagley, Executive Director of Keep Rome-Floyd Beautiful


How to Have An Eco-Friendly Holiday