How to Go Green at the Beach

At the height of summer, there’s no better way to beat the heat than by heading to your favorite stretch of ocean, lake, or river. Whether you visit for the afternoon or take off an entire week, it’s important to make eco-friendly choices. Read our tips for making your time in the sun sustainable. Then grab your favorite swimsuit and get ready to hit the waves!


1.  Don’t Forget Your Totes

Use your personal collection of canvas bags to pack up your magazines, beach towels, and anything else you want to bring along. Next, and this step is crucial, put a pile of extras in your car. Plastic bags can add up faster than you think, and this way, you can feel better about that last-minute snack run.

2. Pack a Lunch

You know what else can overwhelm you in seconds? The disposable cups, styrofoam containers, and stacks of silverware inherent with takeout meals. Avoid this unnecessary waste by bringing a picnic to the shore. Fresh fruit from the farmer’s market means you won’t have any extra waste, and you can use reusable bags and containers for your sandwiches, chips, or pasta salad.

3. Stay Hydrated Sustainably

That case of plastic water bottles can be tempting, but do you really need it? Get everyone in your squad a lightweight, reusable option that you can refill again and again. If you go for one of the insulated versions, you can add a few ice cubes and stay cool until the sun sets.

4. Indulge in an Ice Cream Cone

You heard us correctly! They’re good for the environment. By choosing this delectable treat, you avoid sending yet another spoon and cup to the landfill. Just imagine how many get tossed each day, then enjoy the sweet goodness of your favorite flavor. Who knew you could change the world one dessert at a time?

5. Use Non-Toxic Sunscreen

Chemical sunscreens can wreak havoc on the environment. They damage coral reefs, decrease water quality, and negatively affect marine life. The good news? It’s becoming easier to find biodegradable options. Look for an option near you!

6. Act Like a Guest

When you visit the beach, you’re a visitor in many animal’s homes. Stay off the dunes and away from any other protected areas, and follow posted guidelines about how to protect local wildlife populations. You should also leave your little slice of heaven cleaner than you found it. Pick up any litter you see and dispose of it on your way out.

7. Fish Responsibly

We recommend using a barbless circle hook, which minimizes the impact on marine life. You can also try the catch and release method. Whatever you choose, remember to leave the water clear of any fishing line or other detritus. Many locations, including Lake Linear, now provide boxes where you can drop them off to be recycled!

8. Share Your Toys

Nobody can argue with the sheer magic of sandcastles. You can blissfully spend the day building one no matter your age. Just remember to get as much use out of those shovels and buckets as you can. Borrow some from a friend instead of purchasing a new set, or lend yours out to those in need if you’ve already got some on hand. Ready to say goodbye? Donate them to your local thrift store.

9. Recycle, alright?

Many public beaches along the Georgia coast have recycling bins right there in their parking lots. You can also use some of the aforementioned totes to stow any cans and bottles you have until you get home. There’s nothing shameful about packing out what you pack in! The earth, and its inhabitants, will thank you.


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