Asked and Answered: Summer Edition

Have you been wondering how to best grow your green thumb? Or maybe you’re on the hunt for some ways to protect the environment on your upcoming vacation? Look no further: we asked four members of our affiliate network to share their favorite pieces of advice. Keep on reading to see how you can make this season your most sustainable one yet.

Plant for the Pollinators

"Bees and butterflies play an integral role in our ecosystem. To attract them to your yard, consider planting a garden filled with milkweed, calendula, marigolds, salvia, lavender, verbena and more. Or talk to your kids about sustainability and build a raised vegetable garden where they can grow their favorites. This will be particularly powerful if you combine it with a visit to a local farm and/or farmers’ market.”

- Schelly Marlatt, Executive Director of Gwinnett Clean & Beautiful

Pretty Up Your Patio

“Have you ever heard of container gardening? It is so easy that anyone can do it and you don't need a backyard to garden! Simply use a five-gallon bucket (we like to find used buckets so as to recycle) and drill holes in the lower side of it. About three holes will do. Next, place your soil in the container, and then finish by planting whatever green item you would like! The bucket size is perfect for small spaces or apartments.”

- Amanda Clements, Executive Director of Keep Statesboro Bulloch Beautiful

Cut Up Your Clamshells

“Start your fall seeds indoors by reusing plastic containers. I’m a big fan of the fruit cup package from Chick-fil-A, or clear milk jugs cut open in the middle to make tiny greenhouses. Wide rotisserie chicken containers are also useful for starting a lot of seeds at once. Wash your containers with soapy water and let them air dry before planting. Then, mist them with a spray bottle every few days to keep the moisture high.”

- Amy Hartline, Executive Director of Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful

Recycle on the Road

“Our family loves to travel, and summer is an opportune time to do so! However, recycling options are often different from one location to the next. To continue our eco-friendly habits when our family is on a trip, I keep a reusable bag in the trunk so we can toss recyclables into it in case there are limited options where we’re staying. We simply bring them back with us to properly dispose of them when we return home.”

- Natalie Johnston-Russell, Executive Director of the Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation


20 Ways To Reduce Waste in Your Classroom


How to Go Green at the Beach